Les Rapides du Cheval Blanc

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This image is facing eastward along the shoreline of Rivière des Prairies on the western part of the Island of Montreal. The Whitehorse Rapids ecoterritory is comprised from three sections; the east and west sectors, and Parc des Arbres. The entire area is bordered by Rivière des Prairies and a commuter railway which can be seen here extending from top to bottom through the center of the photo. The ecoterritory extends from beyond the apartment and condominium complexes at the top of the image and towards the bottom of the page. This natural area covers aproximately 14 hectares of forest, flood plain and shoreline.

Visages de cette image est dans la direction de l'est le long du rivière des prairies du nord de la partie occidentale de l'île de Montréal.

This view of Les Rapides du Cheval Blanc is westward and shows the Two Mountains commuter rail line along the southern edge of the terrain. The railway, which crosses over Rivière des Prairies near the top of the image, caps off the Parc des Arbres sector at the western limit of the largest remaining undeveloped shoreline on the Island of Montreal.

Endangered and rare species of flora and fauna have been observed on the building site of the proposed Cheval Blanc West project in recent years. For example, the northern brown snake (couleuvre brun) Storeria dekayi dekayi, the eastern milk snake (couleuvre tacheté) Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum, and the map turtle (tortue géographique), Graptomys geographica.

the map turtle (tortue géographique), Graptomys geographica, taken in Rapide de Cheval Blanc ecoterritory in the spring of 2005. the map turtle (tortue géographique), Graptomys geographica, taken in Rapide de Cheval Blanc ecoterritory in the spring of 2005. the map turtle (tortue géographique), Graptomys geographica, taken in Rapide de Cheval Blanc ecoterritory in the spring of 2005. the map turtle (tortue géographique), Graptomys geographica, taken in Rapide de Cheval Blanc ecoterritory in the spring of 2005.

Some examples of flora that are present at this site are the downy agrimony (agrimoine pubescent), Agrimonia pubescens, (only recently rediscovered in Rapide de Cheval Blanc West after not having been seen in Quebec in fifty years). Three tree species, namely cork elm (Orme a liège) Ulmus thomasii, hackberry (micocoulier) Celtis occidentalis, and butternut (noyer cendrier) Juglans cinerea, are all found here in low concentrations and appear to be in decline.
Downy Agrimony, a delicate yellow-flowered plant that was once thought to be extinct in Quebec Downy Agrimony, a delicate yellow-flowered plant that was once thought to be extinct in Quebec

To gain a greater understanding of the ecological sensitivity of the Rapides du Cheval Blanc read this presentation by Montreal Naturellement... published from 2004. montreal naturellement CB ecoterritoire 2004.pdf

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