Environmental Issues which Challenge the Coalition / Les Enjeux

Quick links: Rapides du Cheval Blanc Ecoterritory. Rivière-à-l'Orme ecoterritory. A history of Montreal's Green Spaces. Montreal Urban Plan. Public Transportation and Road Development. Sustainable Development and the Kyoto Accord Montreal Waste Management


Golf Dorval


This blue heron is one of the thousands of migratory birds that have their habitat on the course. Photo by P.W. Photo shows David Fletcher testing the water in a stand of trees in a wetland area of the golf course.  Photo by P.W.

Migratory birds that have their habitat on the course. Photo by P.W.

LttE ADM construction at Golf Dorval must stop - Letter to the Editor RE: ADM construction at Golf Dorval must stop. West Island Gazette May 01, 2008

The reality, after close to 18 months of experiments, has been a disaster. First of all, despite their saying, ADM did not reduce the number of persons affected; they only spread the pollution over more heads, but less frequently. With the ever increasing number of flights now allowed by ADM, the situation will be increasingly worse. Secondly, most aircrafts have not been able to make a sharp enough left turn to fly along the theoretical centerline of A13; thousands of observers of the affected area can witness that most aircrafts fly along a line located about 1,6 km east of A13 and night noises are reported to be a real nuisance as far as 3 km east of A13: the nuisance corridor can therefore be established at a width of about 2,8 km. The distance that now separates the residences of Lachine along Highway 20 and the residences of CSL along Meadowbrook is just about 1 km: based on the experience of the Saraguay, Cartierville, Saint-Laurent north and Laval’s citizens, Lachine’s citizens living within 900 meters from A20 and CSL’s citizens living within 900 meters from Meadowbrook may expect to be severely disturbed, especially between 23h00 and 07h00. This is true only if the aircrafts fly exactly in the middle of the 1 km corridor, which is rarely the case, because of wind actions, the aircrafts’ age and the pilots’ experience.

In April 2000, ADM has secretly changed, without any consultation, the status of PET airport: there used to be a curfew from 23h00 to 07h00 at Dorval. The federal government had even justified the construction of Mirabel because it was to be the only airport open 24 hours a day. Not anymore: ADM replaced the word “curfew” by “restricted hours” and PET is now opened 24 hours a day.

The south-west community now has the opportunity to be informed ahead of time about ADM’s real intents. Municipal councillors, promoters, contractors, property buyers and golfers beware of ADM’s promises: they excel in hiding the truth, and the federal government allows them to proceed with a disguised expropriation of anybody’s property, without his prior consent and without compensation. Beware of ADM’s new slogan: “Aircrafts must fly somewhere.” An appropriate reply should be: “This somewhere is at Mirabel, specifically designed and built to prevent any nuisance and damage to the citizens.”

Please spread the word around, especially to CSL’s council members. It’s better to put the brakes now than be sorry later.


Roger Trottier-

The slideshow that was presented Thursday night in Dorval, at the Green Coalition AGM, by Roger Trottier

Reply to Ms Christiane Beaulieu Vice president Public Affairs Aéroports de Montréal April 4th 2008

Complete OAG Petition follow-up Revised Jan 4th 2008

Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994

Follow the efforts to save Golf Dorval from loosing terrain. Golf Dorval: Where is the truth on migratory birds and wetlands in the vicinity of the Montreal-Trudeau airport?

Environmental Petition sent to the Office of the Auditor General to the ATTN: Ron Thompson Interim Commissioner of the Environment June 15, 2007

Response from the Minister of Transport October 29, 2007

Response from the Minister of Health and the Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario November 6, 2007

Response from the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans November 6, 2007

Response from the Minister of the Environment November 13, 2007

Aéroport international Montréal-Trudeau SIGNEZ LA PÉTITION English version here


Les vols de nuits contestés à l'aéroport P.E.-Trudeau

Des citoyens en colère veulent que Mirabel reprenne du service


Montreal Waste Management

CBC Radio Interview June 30, 2009. Al Hayak comments on the City of Montreals' plan to collect compostable household waste. (requires Real Player to be installed on your computer)

Mémoire On Plan Directeur de Gestion des Matières Résiduelles de l’agglomération de Montréal 2008-2012 ( Presented by Al Hayek For the Green Coalition-Coalition Verte Inc June 12, 2008 Montreal City Hall)

Québec Residual Materials Management Policy, 1998-2008 en Francais Les matières résiduelles

Residual Materials Hearings Montreal Agglomeration council May 15 2008 (Mp3 audio files)
Al Hayek: Heat treatment to residual waste and the health impacts of fly ash?
What is the method the city has chosen to retain to deal with residual materials?
(Mp3 audio file)

Avrom Shtern: Will there be a plan to recycle #6 plastic packaging materials used for food products? (Mp3 audio file)

Aurore Nicole: UQUAM (Mp3 audio file)

l'Écoterritoire des Rapides-du-Cheval-Blanc


Rapides du Cheval Blanc ecoterritory photos

-Agglomeration Council meeting question period from January 25 2007.
Avrom Shtern asks Mayor Monique Worth about the residential development at Rapides du Cheval Blanc ecoterritory.

Click here to veiw the written response.


-Montreal Agglomeration Council October 25, 2007. (2/3)
Green Coalition Verte member Sylvia Oljemark questions Mayor Helen Fotopulos on the progress of the
Montreal Natural Spaces Policy with regard to the $36 million fund committed to securing 8% of the
natural spaces on the Island of Montreal.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council October 25, 2007. (3/3)
Green Coalition Verte member David Flecther questions Mayor Alan DeSousa on the future protection
of the beaver dam in the marsh lands in the Bertrand Stream Basin Ecoterritory.

September 14, 2006 the Green Coalition sent a letter (Sauvegarde des milieux naturels des Rapides du Cheval Blanc – Un appel des citoyens) to the Minister of Municipal Affairs Mme Nathalie Normandeau. Part I of the Submission to the Ombudsman was also attached.

Le 14 septembre La Coalition Verte a envoyé une lettre au Ministre des Affaires municipales et des Régions Gouvernement du Québec Mme Nathalie Normandeau. La partie I de la soumission au Ombudsman a été également jointe.

UPDATE September 1, 2006:
Of the 21 people signed in for question period at the Agglomeration Council on August 31 only 6 people were heard.
Citizens rights to due process and transparency are being trampled.
Hello all, Please take a look at Chapter 5, Articles 23 and 24 on pages 8 & 9. In particular look at clauses e) & f) of article 24. Should we not be directly referring to these when speaking publicly and to the media about a) our submission to the ombudsman, an office created under this charter, b) the shameful treatment of citizen's with questions last evening who were denied the opportunity to pose same and c) our evident inability to prevent the trading away of land that belongs to us at Rapide du Cheval Blanc, a trade that will serve only to benefit the developer. There is deep-rooted obfuscation and hypocracy at work here. We must not quit on this one. -David Fletcher

MISE À JOUR : 1er septembre 2006

Sur un total de 21 personnes qui se sont inscrites pour la période de questions au Conseil de l’agglomération le 31 août, seules 6 personnes furent entendues.Le droit des citoyens,quant à un jugement transparent et en bonne et due forme, a été brimé.

Bonjour à tous,

Je vous prie de consulter le chapitre 5, articles 23 et 24 des pages 8 et 9; en particulier la clause e) & f) de l’article 24.

Ne devrions-nous pas nous référer directement à ces derniers lorsqu’on s’adresse publiquement et aux médias, notamment sur les points suivants : a) une demande faite à l’ombudsman (un bureau crée sous cette charte), b) le traitement honteux fait aux citoyens hier soir qui n’ont pu poser des questions, et c) notre incapacité flagrante d’empêcher la transactiond’un terrain qui fait partie du Rapide du Cheval Blanc, transaction qui ne servira qu’à enrichir le promoteur.

Toute cette attitude dénote un obscurcissement et une hypocrisie sans commune mesure.

Nous ne devons pas baisser les bras.

David Fletcher

Charter of Rights and Responsibilities Note: This document is large and would best be viewed after you download it to your computer. Please Right click and Save As...


Note : Ce document est lourd, il serait donc préférable que vous le téléchargiez sur votre ordinateur pour en faciliter la lecture. SVP cliquez et sauvegardez.

On August 1, 2006 the Green Coalition appealed to the Ombudsman to overturn the Montreal City Council vote of May 23, 2006 to approve a land swap permitting the construction of a large-scale residential development project at Rapides du Cheval Blanc West.The Green Coalition has also requested the Ombudsman to facilitate an inquiry into events leading up to that vote and to investigate irregularities in the procedures of the vote itself at Montreal City Council on May 23, 2006. Documents presented to the Ombudsman are available for downloading. They are in PDF format and require Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. Right click on the links and save them to your computer.

Le 1er août 2006, la Coalition Verte a fait appel auprès de l’Ombudsman pour faire renverser le vote du Conseil de la Ville du 23 mai 2006 concernant l’approbation d’une transaction autorisant la construction d’un important développement domiciliaire sur la partie ouest des Rapides du Cheval Blanc. La Coalition Verte a également demandé à l’Ombudsman qu’il permette de nous enquérir sur les faits qui ont menés à l’adoption de ce vote et d’examiner les irrégularités dans le processus de votation du Conseil de la Ville de Montréal le 23 mai 2006. Les documents présentés à l’Ombudsman sont disponibles pour consultation en les téléchargeant. Ils sont en format PDF et nécessitent l’application d’ Adobe Acrobat Reader pour les consulter. Cliquez sur les liens pour les sauvegarder sur votre ordinateur.

Part1of11_20060801_IntroQuestions1_10_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part2of11_20060801_Appendix1_2006a_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part3of11_20060801_Appendix1_2006b_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part4of11_20060801_Appendix1_2005_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part5of11_20060801_Appendix1_2004_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part6of11_20060801_Appendix1_2003_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part7of11_20060801_Appendix1_2002a_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part8of11_20060801_Appendix1_2002b_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part9of11_20060801_Appendix1_1990s_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part10of11_20060801_Appendix1_1980s_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part11of11_20060801_Appendix1_1970s_OmbudsmanSubmission_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part12_20060721_to_20060801_OmbudsmanFollowUp_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part13_20060802_to_20060829_OmbudsmanFollowUp_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part14_20060830_to_20060906_OmbudsmanFollowUp_ChevalBlanc.pdf Part15_20060907_to_20060927_OmbudsmanFollowUp_ChevalBlanc.pdf

Rivière-à-l'Orme Ecoterritory

The City of Montréal Agglomeration Council question period December 18, 2008.
Green Coalition member David Fletcher congratulates the borough Mayor of Plateau Mont Royal,
and City of Montréal Executive Committee member, Helen Fotopolous
for the acquisition of Woods #3 in Western Pierrefonds.

December 19th, 2008 CJAD radio interview with Green Coalition member Sylvia Oljemark, who speaks with Saint-Laurent borough Mayor, and City of Montréal Executive Committee member, Alan DeSouza regarding the acquisition of Wood #3 in Western Pierrefonds, on The Rick Peterson Show. Audio file in .mp3 format.

- Letter to Mayor Tremblay

- Petition to Minister of Transport to refuse permission to extend roads across 440 servitude.       

Map of the Rivière à l'Orme Corridor

Le Corridor Écoforestier de la Rivière à l’Orme / Bois Angell Photos

Green Spaces on the Island of Montreal

- Montreal's Green Space story A narrative outlining the current status of the struggle and an overview tracing the evolution of the efforts, involving thousands of citizens through the years, to protect Montreal’s natural heritage. Let’s hope that this overview will help to explain how we have arrived, in 2002, at this critical juncture and suggest how the Montreal’s green space saga can be brought to a successful and happy end.
Sylvia Oljemark December 31, 2002

- City of Montreal Natural Habitat policy

- Green Coalition brief A Draft Policy for the Protection and Enhancement of Natural Spaces, presented to the Office de Consultation publique de Montréal, in April 2004

- City of Montreal Natural Habitat Policy

- Policy on the Protection and Enhancement of Natural Habitats of Montreal Results to Date and Current Priorities: May 2006 (Right Click Save As...)

-Politique de protection et de mise en valeur des milieux naturels

- Politique de protection et de mise en valeur des milieux naturels-Bilan et Orientations : mai 2006

Map of the 10 ecoterritories on the Island of Montreal

Montréal's Master Plan d'urbanisme de Montréal


- le site du Plan d'urbanisme de Montréal Click here for the English Site

- Green Coalition brief City of Montreal - Urban Planning - June 2003 Green Coalition Recommendations

-Green Coalition brief The Master Plan of the City of Montreal, presented to the Office de Consultation publique de Montréal, in June 2004. This brief is to be considered as Addendum 2 to the brief presented in June 2003 entitled: City of Montréal - Urban Planning – June 2003 Green Coalition recomendations

-The City of Montréal’s Policy on the Protection and Enhancement of Natural Habitats. 3rd Trimester 2004

Public Transportation and Road Development


Green Coalition June 15 2009 Brief: Oral Presentation to the Bureau d'audience publiques sur l'environment (BAPE) Sustainable Living TURCOT COMPLEX RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT REDUCING THE INTRUSION ON THE ENVIRONMENT (mp3 audio file)

ENQUÊTE ET AUDIENCE PUBLIQUE Projet de reconstruction du complexe Turcot à Montréal, Montréal-Ouest et Westmount

Les Amis de Meadowbrook brief BAPE June 15 2009: Oral Presentation.pdf - mp3 audio file

Complexe Turcot : Une solution qui fait consensus Carte

-Green Coalition Verte member Avrom Shtern asks the Agglomeration Council about activating the Doney Spur
and mass tansit serving the West Island of Montreal. March 1, 2007.

-Green Coalition Verte member Avrom Shtern asks Lachine Mayor Dauphin about pedestrian bridges over auto route 2-20,
commuter rail and LRT on Victoria Bridge at the Agglomeration Council March 22, 2007.

- Green Coalition Verte member Avrom Shtern questions Mayor Claude Dauphin on the $3 million dollar sale
of the Meadowbrook golf course. Montreal Agglomeration Council April 26, 2007.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council May 31, 2007 (1/3). Green Coalition Verte member Avrom Shtern questions
Mayor André Lavallée on the viability of a shared freight and LRT service on the Doney Spur

-Montreal Agglomeration Council May 31, 2007 (2/3). Green Coalition Verte member Sylvia Oljemark questions
Mayor Gérald Tremblay on the present location of the Home Depot building in Pointe Claire with regards to its
proximity to the Doney Spur and what will be done in the future to prevent this type of encrouchment to the
right of way of this rail line.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council May 31, 2007 (3/3). Green Coalition Verte member David Flecther questions
Mayor Gérald Tremblay on the continued use of the Doney Spur by CN for deliveries of freight to the industrial
sector and of the future of LRT on that rail line.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council June 21, 2007.(1/3) Green Coalition Verte member Avrom Shtern questions
Mayor Bob Benedetti on the viability of LRT service on the Doney Spur.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council June 21, 2007.(2/3) Green Coalition Verte member Sylvia Oljemark questions
Mayor André Lavallée on the encroachment of the right of way to the Doney Spur by the Home Depot Building
in Pointe Claire and what will be done to fix this problem.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council June 21, 2007.(3/3) Green Coalition Verte member David Flecther questions
Mayor Bill McMurchie on the absence of a metro extension to the West Island and the non use of LRT on the
Doney Spur.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council October 25, 2007. (1/3) Green Coalition Verte member Avrom Shtern questions
Mayors Richard Bélanger and André Lavallée on the highway 440 servitude with regard to the City of Montreal Transport plan.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council October 25, 2007. (1/3) Green Coalition Verte member Avrom Shtern questions
Mayors Richard Bélanger and André Lavallée on the highway 440 servitude with regard to the City of Montreal Transport plan.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council October 25, 2007. (2/3) Green Coalition Verte vice president David Fletcher asks
Helen Fotopoulos about the impending residential development of Woods #3 in the l’Anse à l’Orme Ecoterritory
and if this areas is under consideration for acquisition using what is left of the $36 million budgeted in the last triennial.
David Fletcher’s second question concerns the beaver dam in the Bertrand stream basin Ecoterritory.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council October 25, 2007. (3/3) Green Coalition Verte member Sylvia Oljemark asks
Helen Fotopoulos about the progress of the natural spaces policy.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting December 20 2007. (3/3) Green Coalition Verte member Avrom Shtern questions
Mayor Claude Dauphin on the status of the priority of the conservation plans for Meadowbrook and when will a stand be taken
on proximity rules.
Avrom's second question, also to Mayor Dauphin, is when will there be encouragement for the adoption of proximity rules
at the provincial level by the municipalities.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council January 31, 2008. Green Coalition Verte member Avrom Shtern asks Mayor Alan DeSousa
when the agglomeration council will adopt railway setbacks and proximity rules with respect to new residential development
and the location of rail yards and railways.
Avrom’s second question concerns the viability of the Doney Spur as a part of the city’s transportation plan.
Click here to view the written response

-Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting February 28, 2007(1/2). Green Coalition member Avrom Shtern asks
Mayor Claude Dauphin “would you consider converting Meadowbrook to an Ecoterritory as well as hosting an
open meeting of discussion with regards to the future conservation of Meadowbrook, more accountability of
the ADM and the regulation on railway setbacks”?

-Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting February 28, 2007 (2/2). Mayor Campbell Stuart asks Helen Fotopoulos
how the process can be restarted to designate Meadbrook as an Ecoterritory on the Island of Montreal and make
this green space available to the citizens.

-Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting April 3, 2008 (1/2) Green Coalition member Avrom Shtern questions
Helen Fotopoulos what measures will be taken to ensure the viability of the ruisseau De Montigny and the
surrounding Islands if the project to complete Highway 25 comes to fruition.

Avrom's second question: “What impact will the bridge have on the islands in the immediate vicinity”?

-Montreal Agglomeration Council meeting April 3, 2008 (2/2) Partick Asche of Heritage Laurentien asks Helen Fotopoulos
about the proximity of the highway to la falaise Saint-Jacques.
more information here: Walking Turcot Yards

Doney Spur

"In June of 2006 I walked the Doney Spur from Saint Jean to Des Sources. Perhaps a bit tight in some spots, there is room to do these things there. Or at least, put a “greenbelt” concept of some kind through there". - The Doney Spur February 8, 2007 by neath

McGill University Study

Green Coalition Verte Brief: October 2007 Mémoire écrit sur le projet de parachèvevement de l'autoroute 25 par Avrom David Shtern (English)

Green Coalition Verte Brief: August 2007 Avrom David Shtern and Maxime Jalbert

Green Coalition Brief: Modification to the Urban Scheme Currently in Force on the Island of Montreal Related to the Completion of Autoroute 25 by Transport Quebec. Written by Avrom David Shtern Transportation Issues Spokesperson
September, 2006

Montréal Agglomeration Council Transport Commission: Consultation

Commission permaente du conseil d'agglomeration sur l'environnement, le transport et les infrastructures plan de transport : recommandations

Airport Rail Shuttle December 2007 POSITION PAPER par Avrom David Shtern (English)

Plan de transport Recommandations November 22, 2007 Commission du conseil municipal sur la mise en valeur du territoire, l’aménagement urbain et le transport collectif. Consultation sur le Plan de transport de Montréal : Recommandations

Agglomeration Council November 22, 2007: Transportion hearings (English audio only)

Agglomeration Council August 29, 2007: Transportion hearings (English audio only)

Agglomeration Council June 11, 2007: Transportion hearings (English audio only)

- Green Coalition  brief Brief to the Montreal Transport Plan hearings: Thursday, August 18, 2005.

- Green Coalition presentation Thursday, August 18, 2005

- Plan de Transport- Portrait et diagnostique (In french) Commission sur le Transport, la gestion des infrastuctures et l'environnement recommendations Plan de Transport : Portrait et Diagnostic le 29 Septembre 2005

- Green Coalition Recommendations City Of Montreal - Urban Planning – June 2003


Sustainable Development and the Kyoto Accord

-Montreal Agglomeration Council April 26, 2007. Green Coalition Verte member Daniel Oyama questions
Mayor Alan DeSouza on future urban development in the burough of St. Laurent and the possibility of
adopting green building technology citing examples from the Canadian Green Building Council publication.

- Green Coalition Brief Quebec's Sustainable Development Strategy November 2007

- Les opposants au projet Rabaska manifestent devant le parlement de Québec le 28 octobre 2007

- Green Coalition Backs Kyoto Accord Press release (June 2006), a draft resolution supporting the Kyoto Accord and letter presented to the delegates of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities at the annual convention.The Green Coalition request to pass this resolution at the municipal council level. This initiative was started by the City of Seattle and we hope that with your support we can build upon it in Canada.

- Green Coalition Brief Consultation on Québec’s Sustainable Development Plan February 16, 2005

    Last modification: 03/06/2009